Social Dancing

Where to go dancing....
I ran a poll on my face book page to discover where people go to enjoy social dancing, below are some of the dances...

Updated: (12/02/2014) 

Greg has a monthly dance in Edenvale: 
Rhapsody Dance and Music
for info: 076 821 2304

The greatest contributor of information was Johan:

*  Argentine Tango Milonga's are presented by Tango Gauteng on fb.
*  Dance Café - 0789657170
*  Dance Amor - 0826535613 on Wednesdays
*  Dolfyne Dansklub - 0823762828 on Weekends
*  Renévive Dansklub - 0824820388 and 074193664
    onTuesdays at John Barrable Hall in Benoni
*  Edelweiss Danceclub - 0725061654
    Last Saturday of the month
    in a month with 5 weeks every second week of the   
Thanks Johan, we appreciate it ..... 

Erik Peers added information about Mucha Milonga,  in the Northerns Suburbs - 0842072049

If you know of any places where people can go to dance, please pass the info on.  You can email me or send me a sms on 0823946470